Free tools
VineSignal Plans

Choose the plan that's right for you

Take your sustainable farming to the next level
Free trial for 15 days

Imagery Logistics Grower Annual commitment paid annually 10 USD 25 USD 50 USD per acre per acre per acre Vine health monitoring
Weekly vine health and moisture (NDVI/NDWI 10m resolution)
5 year historical vine health and moisture(NDVI/NDWI 10m resolution)
Prediction of vine health and moisture (NDVI/NDWI 10m resolution)
Weekly and monthly change in vine health and leaf moisture (NDVI/NDWI 10m resolution)
Daily vine health and leaf moisture prediction (NDVI 3m resolution)
3 x over season high resolution imagery (NDVI 0.5m resolution)
Vineyard Season Summary
Vineyard Notes
Historical yield prediction and comparison
On Request On Request On Request
Current season yield prediction
Vine geolocation
Maturity distribution maps
Estimated harvest date prediction
Irrigation and Mapping
Soil moisture maps
Integration with soil moisture sensors
Soil moisture 2 week prediction
Evapotranspiration prediction
Soil Health
Nutrient variability maps
Soil organic carbon maps
Daily weather and weekly forecast
Integration with local weather services
API integrations in
API integrations out

Start growing better grapes with Deep Planet's free tools

Free vine monitoring tools

Weekly vine health

Weekly leaf moisture

1 year season summary

Historical yield prediction and comparison (On Request)

Daily weather insights

Interested in advanced vine monitoring tools?

See our VineSignal plans

Custom package with hardware or mapping

*Please contact us for pricing or additional information

Soil moisture sensors

Microweather stations

Regional vineyard detection